Wednesday, July 13, 2011

ROW80 Check in - Week 2

So my first week with this challenge is over! I definitely did better since my last check-in. I love the accountability of the whole ROW80 community. Everyone is so supportive and the fact that the participants check up on each other's blogs makes me even more driven to hit my goals each week. I've decided to make my goals more week-to-week than the whole challenge, with only certain goals making it the whole way through so we'll see how this goes. Thank you to everyone who has stopped by this week and good luck with this next week's goals!

And the results of this week:

Goal 1. To write at least 500 words in a new story or 1000 words in an existing WIP, 5 days a week

I'm going to adjust this one because I'm focusing on editing Arieties right now. For this week, I'm going to change it to write 1,000 words a week in a new WIP or in a new scene in an existing WIP. So no editing scenes and counting that toward my total.
So as far as the new goal goes: COMPLETED
I wrote 520 words for PLASTIC and 630 words for my short story Gemma (tent title). Done and done.

Goal 2. To complete (or edit) at least two full scenes a day, 5 days a week

Most of the scenes were for Arieties. I'm now 2/3 of the way through my first round of edits and it's already 10x more solid than my SFD. I did get a chance to edit a scene in my short story LUCY IN THE SKY as well. I'm changing it to 5 days a week mainly because I have a bunch of weekend trips coming up and there's no chance of me bringing a computer to the Pocono Mountains or say A BRITNEY SPEARS CONCERT (sorry I just got a little excited there. DON'T JUDGE ME).

Goal 3. To have the draft of my WIP Arieties ready for beta reading by the end of ROW80
On target for completion.
Like I said, I'm 2/3 of the way through my first round edits. I'd like to get another complete round in by the end of the challenge so I should be doing okay.

Goal 4. To visit at least 2 blogs of my fellow ROW80 participants per day (on days that I have access to the internet)
I've been doing this anyway but I don't want to fall off as the challenge goes on so I'm going to make it official. 

So there it is. Yay me! As a treat I'm giving myself some virtual cookies and sharing them with you guys. Mmmm kisses. Enjoy!



  1. You're doing a great job, Lisa! Keep up the good work, and good luck with all your goals.

  2. I love it that you made visiting other row participants part of your goal -- it's a good thing. And you're right, we spur each other on. Looks like you had a great week!

  3. I concur, sounds like you're doing a great job on your goals! And those cookies look delicious. Have fun in the Poconos - I've been there many a time, and always enjoyed my stay! Just watch out for the bears. >:D

  4. You had me at cookies... and kudos on your progress and refocusing your goals. Congrats!

  5. Hooray for a great week! I really need to make the visiting other participants a goal, and setting 2/day is something manageable rather than going gaga cause you don't have time for them all. I may add that as a goal for myself.

    And those cookies look yummy.

  6. Yum! Cookie cookie cookie! :) Great job on your accomplishments! The best way to be successful is making goals that work for you - and it looks like you're doing that. Woo hoo!

    Great blog design :) I'll be stopping by again (even if there aren't cookies) lol. Keep up the fantastic work!!

  7. Thanks for the support everyone!

    @lisey - Bears! I didn't even think of them! We've had one appearing in the towns around me (in NJ) for the past few weeks and I've luckily stayed away from him so far. Hopefully my luck holds out!

    @Marie - Glad you like the design! I switched it up last week and I think I like it a lot better... for now :)

  8. Love those cookies, and virtual ones are better for my "diet." LOL

    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier...enjoy the challenge, and keep hanging in there!
